Ox & Owl Literacy
—— Literacy with Strength and Wisdom
Hi! Welcome to
Ox & Owl Literacy
We’re excited you are here!
Our small new enterprise is passionate about creating meaningful and positive learning experiences for young children and their families. We have a particular focus on promoting early reading and literacy.
We believe in communities where children are able to flourish and develop into brave and confident life-long learners, irrespective of any learning challenges. This dream is at the foundation of everything we aim to create on this site. We provide inspiration and resources encouraging playful and constructive opportunities for learning and development.

Why Ox & Owl?

The Ox is known for its strength and determination. It is a hard-working and resilient animal.
Helping little ones master literacy skills takes practice and perseverance, alongside helping them learn that mistakes are invaluable stepping stones to true growth!
In moments when we feel discouraged by the distance between us and our goal, it often helps to temporarily take our eyes off the distant ridge of the mountain and instead focus on the next step directly in front of us and get moving.

The Owl is often a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. It is also a keen observer.
We all learn best when we are encouraged to explore, create, and take on ever-increasing challenges with loving and wise support.
Creating an environment that invites creativity, reflection, inspiration, and positive learning experiences is a worthwhile investment of time and energy.
When these traits are combined, exciting new possibilities are revealed: New ground gets carved out, and new horizons come into view.

Join us on our journey of discovering the powerful potential of Ox and Owl when they unite together.

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This is How We Want Children to Feel About Books & Reading
- An hour spent reading is one stolen from paradise. –Thomas Wharton
- You know you’ve read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend. –Paul Sweeney
- You are never alone when you are lost in the magic of a book. –Marie Lu
- The journey of a lifetime starts with the turning of a page. –Rachel Anders
- The whole world opened to me when I learned to read. –Mary McLeod Bethune
- Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten. –Neil Gaiman
- There is no friend as loyal as a book. –Ernest Hemingway
- Books are the quietest of friends. They are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers. –Charles W. Eliot
Hi! I’m Julie, the passionate creator of Ox & Owl Literacy
My love for language and books started early. I was the kid trying not to get caught reading while staying up under the covers with a book and a flashlight. The magic of how a book could contain whole worlds inside them was never lost on me – I would (and still do) become instantly transported.
The importance of language, reading, and narrative is incalculable. My experience working with children in education has made me witness the struggle so many children are having with reading. It is incredibly disheartening when children see reading as drudgery, or even worse as a threat, because being able to read well is empowering and opens a host of learning opportunities about the world and oneself that can otherwise remain untapped.
At Ox & Owl Literacy, it’s about helping children to dare to dream big and igniting joy for learning, language, story, reading, and exploration.
A few sidebars: I love warm drinks, good company, and inspiring stories. I’m also a foodie who likes to experiment in the kitchen, where my failures have been inedible, but the reward for persistence has been delicious!